On 11 May 2023, the OSCE Academy was honored to host H.E. Antje Grawe, the UN Resident Coordinator (UNRC) in Kyrgyzstan, and Ms. Kanykei Ergesheva, Partnerships and Development Finance Officer, for an introductory visit. Dr. Indira Satarkulova, the Acting Director of the Academy, Ms. Victoria Orazova, the Head of the International Office, introduced the distinguished guests into the projects and activities conducted by the OSCE Academy, its recent successful developments, plans to expand educational programmes and discussed the areas for possible cooperation. H.E. Antje Grawe expressed a particular interest in activities related to youth projects and the newly launched MA in Human Rights and Sustainability programme, co-funded by the EU and the OSCE Academy and implemented in cooperation with the Global Campus of Human Rights in Venice, and shared her interest in delivering a guest lecture to the current students.