Alumni Travel Grants

The OSCE Academy Alumni Network, with support of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) offers travel grants to qualified OSCE Academy alumni to support their professional and academic development. The grants will help the OSCE Academy alumni attend the conferences, trainings worldwide or events for professional certification. Below are the key regulations on this grant as updated on March 13, 2014.


All OSCE Academy graduates, who have not receive this grant during last two year, are eligible to apply.

Grant procedure

The OSCE Academy has limited funds for travel grants for alumni. The current regulations rule that one grant is considered and awarded in each half of the year: the first grant in Jan-Jun and the second grant in Jul-Dec. The size of the grant may vary depending on expected costs, but the Academy recommends that the requests do not exceed 1000 EUR.

Approval process

Applications are reviewed by a selection committee that includes the OSCE Academy administration, faculty and staff from both MA programmes. The Committee has no obligation to approve the first received application, and has freedom to either recommend or not recommend the award. The committee makes a decision based on the merit of the planned event and the nature of participation of the applicant. Given that only one grant is allocated for each period, once an award is made, no more applications are considered for the same period.
Key criteria for the selection include the Committee’s judgment of
• Importance and relevance of the event to the academic and/or professional development of the applicant and
• Importance of the expected participation of the applicant in the event. For instance, expected presenter or discussants at a conference will be given priority over those who plan to attend an event just as a participant.


Past Recipients of Alumni Travel Grants


Davron Ishnazarov, Class of 2014, to participate and to deliver a presentation at the Doctoral School on Asian and Comparative Regionalism jointly organized by United Nations University CRIS (Belgium), Airlangga University (Indonesia), the International School of Economics at Maqsut Narikbayev University (Kazakhstan), and the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism (North America).


Mirgul Ishenbek kyzy, Class of 2023, to take part in the 17th Summer School ‘Migrants, Human Rights, Democracy’. Palermo, Italy.


Diydor Berdiklichev, Class of 2021, to take MITx Micromasters course on Data Analysis for Social Scientists.

Kodir Kuliev, Class of 2014, to undergo the 4-week high-level training ("Fighting Corruption in Public Procurement") organized by the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA).

Gulnoza Akhmedova, Class of 2019, to participate in a two-week workshop by Central Asian Program in Pedagogies of Solidarity (CAPPS) on "Families and Traditions in Transition".


Tinatin Osmonova, Class of 2020, to participate in MIT Micromasters Program in Statistics and Data Science. MIT Micromasters Program comprises of the following courses:1)Probability - The Science of Uncertainty and Data, 2)Machine Learning with Python: from Linear Models to Deep Learning, 3)Fundamentals of Statistics, 4)Data Analysis: Statistical Modeling and Computation in Applications, 5)Capstone exam.

Natalia Zakharchenko, Class of 2012, to partcipate in 'Digital Transformations in Central Asia: Current State and New Perspectives' conference and finalize her research project " Investigating Privacy in Interpretations and Practices in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan" for futher publication.


Jafar Usmanov, Class of 2005, to present a paper at the 14th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), 24-28 August 2020. The conference paper title: "NGO activism in the "shrinking space": engaging with restrictions, coping resourcefully" (online).

Cholpon Aitakhunova, Class of 2012, to participate in the Project Management training course from the Codify Academy in Kyrgyzstan - as a preparation for international PMP, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, September-November 2020 (online).


Berikbol Dukeyev, Class of 2015, for the one-month research fellowship at the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (Germany) from 1 July to 3 September

Zalina Enikeeva, Class of 2016, to participate and present the report on "Analysis of Agroindustrial Complex in the Eurasian Economic Union Member-States" at the Special Section "Next Generation Trade Policy" and Creation of a Future System of multilateral Trade Regulation for the Benefit of Social and Economic Development" in XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, organized by the National Research University, Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia, on April 9-12, 2019.

Diana Mamatova, Class of 2009, to participate and present the paper on “Peacebuilding and Patriarchal Norms: the Role of Women in Sustaining Peace at the Border Communities of Ferghana Valley” at the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) 20th Annual Conference hosted by the Central Asia Programme (CAP) and Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, in Washington, DC on 10-13 October 2019.


Assel Mussagaliyeva, Class of 2005,  to attend a closed workshop “Sustain and Retain: the Place of Sustainability within the Conservation” by Cambridge University on 21-23 MArch 2018

Aigerim Almazova, Class of 2017, travel to internship at the World Trade Organization in Geneva from March to October 2018

Karlygash Kabatova, Class of 2014, to participate in 21st European Regional International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH) Conference 2018 and III National Conference in Adolescent Health, “Equal opportunities for healthy development for all adolescents” 3-5 October, 2018

Arzu Sheranova, Class of 2015, to attend international seminar on publication strategies for PhD students in Tallinn on 4-6 September, organized under the framework of the project "Around the Caspian"


Raushan Bolotalieva, Class of 2011, to participate in the Advanced Training on Security Sector Reform (SSR) organized by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with DCAF, on 27 November 1 December 2017.

Akmaljon Abdullaev, Class of 2005, to participate and present paper based on his PhD work in the fifth regional conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) at Kazan Federal University on 2-4 June 2016.

Saltanat Mamytova, Class of 2014, for attending the course and receiving Logistics & Supply Chain Management Certificate accredited by AIPS USA at Laurels Institute Dubai on 5-8 November 2016 (


Abid Ahmad, Class of 2011, for paricipation in a Stratigic HR Management Workshop in Dubai on 11-13 May 2015

Elnura Omurkulova-Ozierska, Class of 2011, to present her paper on "Care Deficit: Labour Migrants of Kyrgyzstan and Children Left Behind" at the University of Palermo Summer School on "Migration, Human Rights and Development" in Italy on 25 June-18 July 2015

Leila Akhmetova, Class of 2012,  to attend the Transparency International School on Integrity 2015 in Vilnus on 5-13 July 2015


Bobur Nazarmuhamedov, Class of 2011, for participation in the 2014 Mahathir Global Peace School "Interstate Diplomacy and Economic Justice for Global Peace and Conflict Resolution" in Kuala-Lumpur

Nazira Kozubekova, Class of 2011, for participation in the Fourth Annual ECMI Summer School “National Minorities and Border Regions organized by the  European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) in Germany

Erkinbek Kamalov, Class of 2005, for participation in the Peace and Conflict Transformation Course in Vietnam on 23 -30 November, 2014

Reina Artur kyzy, Class of 2013, for presenting paper "State peacebuilding intitiatives in Kyrgyzstan in the aftermath of the ethnic conflict: identity manipulation games" at the 3d International Conference on Humanity, Culture and Society, Las-Vegas, USA, December 17-18, 2014


Dildora Khamidova, Class of 2005, for participation in the conference "Rethinking Diversity - Challenges for Equality in Europe and New Responses", and attending the Working Group A "Minority as a Label: Going Beyond Minority Identity"  in Lithuania.

Ernist Turdubaev, Class of 2006, for the Professional Certification in Project Management


Tulkinjon Umaraliev, Class of 2007. Grant for participation in the 2012 Milton A. Wolf Media and Diplomacy Seminar: Transitions Transformed: Ideas of Information and Democracy post 2011.

Erkinbek Kamalov, Class of 2005 who presented his paper " External view for the future of post 3.11 Japan" at the International Conference of International Peace Research Association 24-29 November, 2012











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