Central Asia and Azerbaijan Fellowship Program



The George Washington University – Elliott School of International Affairs’ Central Asia Program (CAP) is happy to open its Central Asia and Azerbaijan Fellowship to alumni from the OSCE Academy, as part of a new partnership between CAP and the Academy.

The theme selected for the fall 2021 fellowship is: "Societal Engagement with Cultural, Educational, Environmental, and Gender-Related Issues."

The Central Asia-Azerbaijan Fellowship Program (CAAFP) is intended for young professionals – scholars, government officials, public policy experts, and social activists – who seek to enhance their research and analytical skills and become public policy leaders. The fellowship is available to individuals from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Mongolia. The fellowship program provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and builds lasting intellectual networks among the wider Central Asian and Azerbaijani and U.S. scholarly and policy communities.

CAAFP fellows participate in a tailor-made program that has been adapted to the pandemic conditions. They follow a weekly online class, Theories of Social Sciences applied to Central Asian Studies, that presents the main social sciences theories applied to today’s Central Asia. It aims at helping the fellows to access a state-of-the-art knowledge on social sciences theories that matter for understanding Central Asia today: political regimes, authoritarianism, democratization, populism, nationalism, identity politics, memory studies, and social mobilization and activism. The class includes 3 readings a week, a PPT lecture, and a reading-based discussion.

The Fellows also work on their own research paper and are able to consult regularly with CAP staff. Their final paper is submitted for publication to the CAP online series. Fellows are also given the opportunity of following some writing classes with CAP Senior Editor in charge of the Central Asia Analytical Network, and with journalists from The Diplomat, to prepare short, op-ed style, publications for these two outlets.

Depending on the course of the pandemic situation the most successful Fellows receive an opportunity to spend one month at the George Washington University – Elliott School of International Affairs. 

Alumni who successfully completed CAAFP 2021


The fellows who spent one month at the George Washington University - Elliot School of International Affairs:


Albina Yun'15