
Studying at the OSCE Academy is rewarding and full of opportunities for professional growth and career development! The following opportunities are offered to exclusively OSCE Academy's current students and alumni only.

Opportunities for Current Students:

The OSCE Academy offers fully paid internships to students on a competitive basis, to students who have proven leadership and communications skills, excellent academic results and clear research agenda. Internship takes place during the summer semester in one of the following partner organizations:

The OSCE Secretariat

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)

Norwegian Helsinki Committee

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

Alexanteri Institute in Helsinki

European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg

Geneva Centre for Security Policy


All expenses, including air travel, stipend, housing allowance, medical insurance are covered by the Academy and its partner institutions. Only current students are eligible for these internship opportunities.Current students, who would like to conduct their internships in the region, may consult the following Internship Directory. Internship directory contains the list of organizations where students of the MA in Politics and Security Programme have conducted their internships since 2005.


Opportunities for Graduating Students and Allumni:

NUPI Fellowship
NUPI (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs) Fellowship is available exclusively for the graduates of the OSCE Academy. The aim of the Fellowship is to prepare the two alumni of the Academy for the work in international affairs or study at PhD level by deepening their practical and academic experience. The two alumni will be placed in the Department of Russian and Eurasian Studies (for more information about the department, please click here.) The length of the Fellowship is one year. Candidates should be ambitious, hard-working, versatile and easy to get on with. The selected alumni will each receive a stipend of NOK 13,500 (ca. USD 2,200) per month. For fellowship announcement for the year of 2018-2019, please visit our website later.

Junior Public Officers (JPO) Programme
In support of alumni professional integration in public service, starting from 2010 the Academy runs a Junior Public Officers' (JPO) Programme. JPO Programme provides an opportunity to the OSCE Academy’s graduates from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to  intern at the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and other State Agencies of the country of their respective citizenship. The internship period lasts for three months.

This JPO Programme is being implemented in accordance with the Agreements signed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of 10 September 2010, the Ministry of the Republic of Afghanistan as of 28 May 2012 (prolonged on 10 January 2018) and the Agency for Investment Promotion and Protection of the Kyrgyz  Republic as of 16 June 2017. By 2017 in total 22 alumni have succesfully completed JPO Programme. (Please click here to see the list).

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

Travel Grant