Data Review #25

BRI in Central Asia: Finance and IT Projects

Farkhod Aminjonov, Alina Abylkasymova, Anna Aimée, Bahtiyor Eshchanov, Daniyar Moldokanov,b Indra Overland,b,d Roman Vakulchuk 


China and its Central Asian counterparts pursue finance and IT projects for both commercial and strategic reasons. As this data article shows, transparency is limited and exact information on the size of their investments is only partly available. In the  financial sector, China cooperates most closely with Kazakhstan among the Central Asian countries.

Keywords: BRI, China, finance, IT, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan



OSCE Academy / NUPI


Central Asia Data-Gathering and Analysis Team (CADGAT)

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